Principal Elected Officials Representing Precincts 356 and 357


You can link to each office-holder’s website by clicking on their name. Once on the website, there should then be a link to use if you wish to send an e-mail to that office-holder.

U.S. SenatorJohn CornynRepublican
U.S. SenatorTed CruzRepublican
Congressional Representative, District 37Lloyd DoggettDemocrat
Member, State Board of Education, District 5Rebecca Bell-MetereauDemocrat
State Senator, District 14Sarah EckhardtDemocrat
State Representative, House District 47Vikki GoodwinDemocrat
County Judge (county-wide)Andy BrownDemocrat
County Commissioner, Precinct 3 (covering all voting precincts that begin with "3")Ann HowardDemocrat
MayorKirk WatsonDemocrat
City Council, District 8Paige EllisNon-partisan post
Justice of the Peace/ConstableStacy SuitsDemocrat
Austin Independent School District Board of Trustees, District 7David KaufmannNon-partisan
Austin Independent School District Board of Trustees, At-Large Position 8Fernando Lucas de UriosteNon-partisan
Austin Independent School District Board of Trustees, At-Large Position 9Arati SinghNon-partisan

Number of Registered Vo