
This is the joint website of the Democrats of Precincts 356 and 357 in Travis County, Texas. Prior to spring 2022, we were one precinct — the old 349.

[Sign up for an almost monthly e-newsletter here.]

As Democrats, we are proud that over its history, our country has continued its aspiration toward “a more perfect union.” We are proud of what has been accomplished, and committed to further pursuit of the aspiration.

Our goals for our community, for Texas, and for the country are the following:

  • Prosperity and Equity
  • Access to Health Care for Everyone
  • A Sustainable Environment

Our Geography

Our two voting precincts in southwest Austin comprise neighborhoods on both sides of the Y in Oak Hill.

On one side of the Y, we are bounded by Old Bee Caves Road, the Covered Bridge nieghborhood, Thunderbird Road, and 290.

On the other side of the Y, we are bounded by W. William Cannon Boulevard, Escarpment Drive, and Telluride Trail.

This website is maintained by the Democratic Precinct Chair for Precinct 356 — Ross Pumfrey. If you wish to get on the list to receive a monthly e-newsletter, or if you have any questions, you may reach him at rosspumfrey@gmail.com.

Please explore the tabs at the top to find more information.